Department of Electronic Engineering

Hellenic Mediterranean University

Doctoral studies


Call for Application 


Useful Documents 



Completed PhD Thesis
  • Nikolaos Fragiadakis, “Modeling of electromagnetic emissions of devices for space applications”, Department of Electronic Engineering, HMU, 2022
  • Liodakis Georgios, “Scattering of electromagnetic waves from surfaces, orthogonal structures and complex cylindrical arrangements, with telecommunication applications”, Department of Electronic Engineering, HMU, 2022. doi: 10.12681/eadd/52949



Regulation of Doctoral Studies  

Pursuant to Laws 4485/2017 (articles 38-45) and 4610/2019 (articles 23-34), the Department of Electronic Engineering of the Hellenic Mediterranean University organizes in Chania independent doctoral studies, according to the Government Gazette 3527 / t.B / 20- 9-2019 (pp. 41253-41258) and the relevant decision of 5 / 18-6-2019 Assembly of the Department, as follows:

Article 1.
General principles
The Doctoral Studies of the Department of Electronic Engineering of the Hellenic Mediterranean University are organized and operate in accordance with the provisions of Law 4485/2017 and the general institutional framework as in force each time. They aim to promote original scientific research and lead to the acquisition of a doctoral degree, which certifies the elaboration of original scientific research and the substantial contribution of its holder to the development of knowledge in the field of Electronic Engineering, all related sciences. their.

Article 2.
Right to apply for a doctoral dissertation
The holder of a doctoral dissertation has the right to apply for a Postgraduate Diploma from a domestic university, or the holder of a postgraduate degree recognized abroad as an equal degree, or the holder of a postgraduate degree has a single and unbroken degree. the successful completion of the first cycle of studies, which is organized in university departments and lasts at least ten (10) academic semesters (compulsory semesters for obtaining a degree or diploma, according to the program don).
In case the interested party is not a holder of a Postgraduate Diploma or a single and uninterrupted postgraduate degree, the Tripartite Committee provided for in Article 5 will suggest the acceptance or not of the interested party, in accordance with the applicable law. the framework, taking into account his / her academic, research, and professional performance and activities. Good knowledge of English is also required.

Article 3
The application process for a doctoral dissertation

The applications of the candidates are submitted to the Secretariat of the Department. The call for applications for Ph.D. candidates is announced twice a year (every November and April), posted on the website of the Department, the School, and the University. The invitation includes the broader research areas and/or the specific subjects that the professors of the Department of Electronic Engineering suggest as research subjects of interest, the Supervising Professor per research subject, and the contact details with him. In addition, the invitation describes the required supporting documents for applicants, the conditions, terms, deadlines, and procedures for submitting candidacies and selection of Ph.D. candidates, as well as their additional obligations, clauses, clauses, deliverables, and time limits. dissertations.
In addition, after consultation with a professor of the Department of Electronic Engineering, candidates may apply to the Secretariat of the Department not only within the deadlines set out in the above invitations to apply for Ph.D. 7-2 / 8 but also within 25 / year.

Article 4
Required documents

  • Application for the preparation of a doctoral dissertation, stating the proposed title of the doctoral dissertation, the proposed language for the preparation of the doctoral dissertation (Greek or English), and the proposed supervisor of the doctoral dissertation.
  • Detailed Curriculum Vitae.
  • A brief summary of the proposed doctoral dissertation, in Greek and English.
  • Draft of the proposed doctoral dissertation, which includes a reference to the purpose and objectives of the dissertation, description of the methodology to be followed, indicative bibliography, expected results, indicative timeline.
  • Copies of degrees.
  • Recognition of the equivalence of the study titles by the Δ.Ο.Α.Τ.Α.Π. (for university graduates abroad).
  • Proof of good knowledge of English (for candidates who are not graduates of English-speaking institutions).
  • Copy of police ID card.
  • Two letters of recommendation.
  • Optionally, any other information may contribute to the substantive evaluation of the application, such as the publications and / or scientific papers they have prepared.
Article 5
Candidate Ph.D. selection process

After the expiration of each of the deadlines provided for in Article 3, the Assembly of the Department shall categorize the applications on the basis of the relevance of the research object and shall appoint a Three-Member Committee per application category.
Each three-member Committee, which consists of faculty members of the Department, examines the applications and invites the candidates to an interview.
He then submits to the Assembly of the Department a memorandum stating the reasons why each candidate should or should not be accepted, as well as the nominee supervisor, if he has not been nominated by the candidate.
The Assembly of the Department, after taking into account the opinion of the nominee and the Memorandum of the Commission, approves, modifies, or justifiably rejects the application of the candidate. The decision of the Assembly stipulates:
  • the supervisor of the dissertation
  • the members of the three-member Advisory Committee, which supports and supports the preparation and writing of the dissertation
  • the language of writing the dissertation, and
  • (if the Assembly deems it appropriate) the courses that the candidate must attend.
The names of the doctoral candidates, the supervisors, the members of the advisory committee, the titles of the prepared dissertations, and a brief summary of them are posted on the Department’s website in Greek and English.
Article 6
Supervision of a doctoral dissertation

a. Supervisor of a doctoral dissertation
The faculty members of the first grade, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor of the Department of Electronic Engineering have the right to supervise doctoral dissertations.
Each faculty member can be the supervisor of a maximum of six (6) doctoral dissertations that are in progress at the same time.
b. Three-member Advisory Committee
The three-member Advisory Committee is appointed by the Assembly of the Department and has the responsibility to support and support the elaboration and writing of the doctoral dissertation.
A member of the Committee is the Supervisor of the dissertation, so at least one faculty member from the first three levels of the Department participates in the Committee. The other two members can be:
  • Faculty Memberships First degree Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor of the relevant or other HEI,
  • Professors recognized as foreign institutions, who hold a doctorate,
  • Researchers of levels A ‘, B’ or C ‘from research centers of article 13a of Law 4310/2014, including the research centers of the Academy of Athens, or from recognized research centers or institutes abroad, which have the same or related subject with the doctoral dissertation under review.
In the event that during the period of dissertation support, members of the Three-Member Committee have retired, by the decision of the Assembly of the Department they are replaced by an equal number of members.
c. Replacement of three-member Consulting members
If for any reason, the supervisor disappears or is found to be unable to perform supervisory duties for a long period of time, the Assembly of the Department shall entrust the supervision:
  • to another, at the request of the candidate and the opinion of the proposed supervisor, or
  • to one of the other (2) members of the Tripartite Advisory Committee, even in excess of the maximum number of Ph.D. candidates that each supervisor may have.
Similarly, if for any reason a Member of the Tripartite Commission disappears, he or she is found to be unable to perform his or her duties for a long time, or if the progress of the doctoral research requires the reorganization of the Tripartite Commission to be made up of members. are the most appropriate for the framing and support of the doctoral dissertation, the Assembly of the Department replaces the Member or Members of the Tripartite Committee at the request of the supervisor and the opinion of the nominees and the of replaced members.
d. Supervisor’s movement/retirement
If the original Supervisor moves to another Department of the Hellenic Mediterranean University, or to another HEI, or retires, he continues to be in charge of supervising the doctoral dissertations he has undertaken and the title is awarded by the HEI, to which the Department where he started of the dissertation.


Article 7
Duration, rights, and obligations of Ph.D. candidates

a. Duration
The duration for obtaining a doctoral degree in at least three (3) full calendar years from the date of appointment of the Three-Member Advisory Committee.
The maximum completion time of the dissertation is six (6) full calendar years from the date of appointment of the Three-Member Advisory Committee.
During his / her studies in the Doctoral Program, the candidate may, with a sufficiently justified application, request the extension of the above period up to 3 years in total.
If the candidate requests a suspension of study, with a sufficiently justified application of his / her application, the time of the suspension of the study is not counted in the foreseen maximum duration of elaboration of a doctoral dissertation. During the suspension of the study, the candidate does not benefit from the rights and benefits provided for the doctoral candidates.
b. Obligations and rights of Ph.D. candidates
Ph.D. candidates must renew their enrollment between September and November of each academic year.
Simultaneously with the annual renewal of his registration, each doctoral candidate submits to his three-member Advisory Committee a detailed memorandum of research activity and makes an oral presentation on the progress of the doctoral dissertation. A copy of the memorandum, as well as comments on it from the Supervisor and/or the three-member Advisory Committee, are registered in the individual file of the candidate.
The Tripartite Advisory Committee sets the number of publications in international scientific journals of recognized prestige with a system of judges (referring to internationally accepted reference databases, such as Web of Science and Scopus), the number of presentations at international conferences with a system of judges, seminars and / or workshops, as well as the obligation to attend conferences, seminars, and other academic events.
The obligations of providing auxiliary teaching, examination and research work, as well as attending/participating in courses or workshops, are proposed by the Supervisor and approved by the Assembly of the Department.
Doctoral studies are offered free of charge.
Ph.D. candidates have up to five (5) full academic years from their first enrollment, all the rights, and benefits provided for second cycle students.
Also, up to five (5) years after the completion of their doctoral dissertation, they retain the right to access, borrow, and use the electronic services of the university libraries.
c. Job opportunities for Ph.D. candidates
Upon the proposal of the Supervisor and a decision of the Assembly of the Department, the auxiliary teaching work at the undergraduate and postgraduate level can be assigned to the Ph.D. candidates, in the context of their obligations, as indicative:

  • the support and/or teaching of laboratory exercises for undergraduate/postgraduate courses,
  • the correction and/or teaching of exercises in undergraduate/postgraduate courses,
  • participation in the supervision of the final exams and the intermediate competitions (progress) of the undergraduate/postgraduate courses,
  • participation in field research or other related activities.
Ph.D. candidates may be recruited as academic fellows by an act of the Department, with a fixed-term employment relationship under private law to conduct teaching, research, scientific, organizational, or laboratory work specified in the contract. The announcement of the subject is made after a proposal of the Assembly of the Sector and a decision of the Assembly of the Department. The duration of the contract is determined according to the needs of the Department and may be renewed or extended, but the total recruitment time shall not exceed three (3) years. The employment of the candidates may be full or partial and the coverage of their compensation will be done by scholarships and resources that will be provided by the Department.
In addition, each PhD candidate can be employed in research programs based on the current provisions of each legal framework and the management framework governing the ELKE of the Hellenic Mediterranean University.


Article 8
Preparation of a doctoral dissertation
a. Defining/changing the subject of a doctoral dissertation

The title of the doctoral dissertation may be modified according to the progress of the doctoral research, in order to better reflect its content, provided that the subject described by the new title remains within the subject matter to which the original title was included. The title may be amended at any time at the request of the doctoral candidate and with the approval of the Assembly, taking into account the opinion of the Supervisor and the Tripartite Committee. In particular, it is permissible to change the title so that (a) it reflects a more specific subject matter than the one originally defined, and (b) it adds to the originally defined subject relevant to that field of research. The change described in this paragraph does not imply a change in the limits of the dissertation.
If the subject of the dissertation is completely changed from the original, the doctoral candidate submits a detailed documented scientific proposal and draft of the proposed doctoral dissertation, and the application procedure described in Article 5 of the Regulation is followed from the outset. In this case, the time already spent in the doctoral program with the previous subject is not counted.
b. Doctoral dissertation writing instructions
The doctoral dissertation is written based on the instructions available on the Department’s website. The exact structure and extent are determined on the basis of the usual practice for the dissertations of the broader field of Electronic Engineering Science, related sciences and their applications, with the main criterion of optimally serving the purposes of the correct performance of the research contribution and its contribution. facilitating its use by other researchers.
If the dissertation is written in Greek, it includes a short summary in English, while if it is written in English, it includes a short summary in Greek.


Article 9
Support/evaluation of the doctoral dissertation

The Ph.D. candidate submits an application to the Three-Member Advisory Committee for public support and evaluation of the dissertation.
The three-member Advisory Committee shall, by a majority, accept or reject the applicant’s application. A necessary condition for the acceptance of the application is the approval of the publication of the whole or part of the results of the research work in at least one (1) work in a recognized international journal after a peer-review process. These publications should be original research papers and not review articles or conference proceedings, in which the Department is referred to as the employment agency of the candidate doctor (affiliation), and the candidate doctor is at least the first author. in one.
If the Tripartite Advisory Committee rejects the candidate’s application, the candidate may submit a new application after three months, in which he will analyze the ways in which he has addressed the remarks and incorporated the advice of the Tripartite Commission. In case of possible new rejection, the same procedure is repeated.
If the Tripartite Advisory Committee accepts the application of the candidate, it shall draw up a detailed report, which shall be submitted to the Assembly of the Department and shall request the appointment of the Seven-member Examination Committee to review the dissertation.
The seven-member Examination Committee includes:

  • members of the Tripartite Advisory Committee, except for those who have been retired, resigned, deceased, or are on legal leave, which is replaced by a decision of the Assembly of the Department in accordance with the provisions of Article 6 of the Regulation, and
  • four (4) additional members who are:
  • Faculty Memberships First degree Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor of the relevant or other HEI,
  • Professors recognized as foreign institutions, who hold a doctorate,
  • Researchers of levels A ‘, B’ or C ‘from research centers of article 13A of Law 4310/2014, including the research centers of the Academy of Athens, or from recognized research centers or foreign institutes that have the same or related subject with the doctoral dissertation under review.
Following the submission of the report, the Seven-member Inquiry Committee shall be appointed at the next or at most subsequent meetings of the Department.
Within two weeks of the appointment of the Seven-Member Committee, the doctoral candidate submits:
  • his dissertation electronically to all members of the Seven-Member Committee, and
  • responsible statement to the Secretariat of the Department, notified to the Supervisor, that the dissertation is not a product of plagiarism.


The date of support for the dissertation is set at the initiative of the Supervisor in collaboration with the Ph.D. candidate, at least one month, and at most three months from the establishment of the Seven-Member Committee, and notified to all members of the University Community by the Secretariat.
The doctoral dissertation is publicly supported and presupposes the physical presence of at least four (4) members of the Examination Committee, while the other members may participate by teleconference.
After the support, the Inquiry Committee meets without the presence of third parties and judges the work in terms of quality, completeness, original thinking, and contribution to science. They may be present at the meeting of the Seven-member Examination Committee, without the right to vote, and those who have previously been members of the three-member Advisory Committee of the doctoral dissertation and have been replaced.
The approval of a doctoral dissertation requires the consent of at least five (5) members of the Seven-member Examination Committee.
The approved doctoral dissertation is graded on the following scale: Excellent, Very Good, Good, and the grade is recorded in the relevant dissertation evaluation report.
The date of receipt of the doctoral dissertation is the date of a successful examination of the doctoral dissertation.
  • If the Seven-Member Committee does not approve the doctoral dissertation, the doctoral candidate may submit a new application to the Three-Member Advisory Committee for public support and evaluation of the dissertation after a minimum of six months. If during the second support of the doctoral dissertation, the Seven-Member does not consider it satisfactory, then the Ph.D. candidate is deleted from the doctoral program without being awarded a title.
  • In the event that, at the discretion of the majority of the members of the Seven-Member Committee, the dissertation needs to be corrected, but not so crucial as to be rejected, the required changes shall be recorded in the minutes and the candidate must submit a three-month deadline to the Members of the Seven. An updated version of the dissertation, accompanied by a report analyzing the ways in which the seven-member Commission’s remarks were addressed. If the Seven-Member Committee evaluates the interventions as satisfactory, it shall draw up a relevant certificate and the dissertation shall be deemed to have been successfully completed. The certificate is submitted to the Secretariat of the Department and is registered in the doctoral candidate’s file. In this case, the date of receipt of the doctoral degree is the date of drafting the certificate of the Seven-member Committee.
  • If the Seven-Member Committee evaluates the interventions as unsatisfactory, then the initial judgment of the Seven-Member Committee is considered negative and the doctoral candidate is removed from the doctoral program without being awarded a title. In this case, the Seven-member Committee shall draw up a relevant report, in which the reasons for which the interventions are considered unsatisfactory shall be substantiated, and shall submit it to the Secretariat of the Department. The minutes are recorded in the doctoral candidate’s file.


Article 10
Instruction and configuration of PhDs

After the successful support of the dissertation, the doctoral candidate submits to the Secretariat of the Department the final doctoral dissertation in digital form as well as a copy in printed form and ensures in collaboration with the Department Secretariat for submitting the dissertation to the National Documentation Center.
Upon completion of the above, and with the care of the Secretariat, the Ph.D. candidate is invited to the next event of announcement-confession-award of a Doctoral Diploma. In the event that for any reason the doctoral candidate is unable to attend the specific event, he is invited by the Secretariat to the next event, until the announcement-confession-award of the Doctoral Diploma takes place.

Article 11

The doctoral dissertation is a collaborative work, in the sense of article 7 of law 2121/1993 as amended and in force, co-created by the doctoral candidate and the supervisor and the copyright belongs to it by 70% to the doctoral candidate and by 30% to the supervisor.

Article 12
Reasons and procedure for deletion from the registers of Ph.D. candidates

The Assembly of the Department of Electronic Engineering, following a majority recommendation of the Three-Member Advisory Committee, may decide to remove doctoral candidates if:

  • do not cooperate with the supervisor and the three-member advisory committee,
  • have unjustifiably stopped the work of preparing the dissertation,
  • their work is stagnant in the doctoral dissertation or their progress is considered insufficient,
  • do not submit annual detailed memoirs on the progress of the dissertation,
  • do not renew their annual registration,
  • have committed a serious disciplinary offense, and/or
  • have committed a serious moral offense that is inconsistent with the candidate’s doctorate, such as that of plagiarism.

Also, doctoral candidates are automatically deleted if they exceed the maximum duration of a doctoral dissertation, as defined in Article 7 of this Regulation, or upon their request to the Secretariat of the Department.

Article 13
Preparation of a doctoral dissertation with supervision

The Department of Electronic Engineering may work with other Departments of the Foundation, or with other institutions, and/or with research centers and institutes abroad, and/or with recognized institutions or research centers and research institutes abroad, for the co-operation. and the preparation of a doctoral dissertation with consideration provided that the conditions provided by par. 3 of article 43 of Law 4485/2017 and the relevant decision Government Gazette 972 / t.B / 19-3-2018 of the Minister of Education, Research and Religions are met. , as it applies.
The provisions on the preparation of doctoral dissertations of the previous paragraph are set out in the Special Cooperation Protocol signed between the cooperating bodies and approved by the Senate and the respective governing bodies of the other bodies, in accordance with the relevant post-graduate legal framework for interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary frameworks. programs. The Special Protocol of Cooperation defines the obligations of each Department / Foundation, and/or Research Center, and/or Institute, the duration of the cooperation, the type of title granted, as well as the obligations and rights of the participants in the joint doctoral program.

Article 14
Other provisions

  • For the Ph.D. candidates of the Department of Electronic Engineering, in relation to the secretarial support, the logistical infrastructure, the scholarships and the student care, the current provisions of the legal framework as they apply as well as the decisions of the Hellenic Assembly of the Department and the Assembly apply. Mediterranean University for students of the second and third cycle of studies.
  • The provisions of this Regulation shall apply to all Ph.D. candidates for which the Seven-member Examination Committee has not been appointed at the time of its entry into force.
  • Issues not provided for in the relevant legal framework and in this regulation are regulated by decisions of the Assembly of the Department and where this is required by decisions of the Senate of the Hellenic Mediterranean University.