Department of Electronic Engineering

Hellenic Mediterranean University

MSc “Lasers, Plasma & Applications (LaPlA)”



New Postgraduate Program
MSc in Lasers, Plasma & Applications (LaPlA)





The Department of Electronic Engineering (  and the Physical Plasma & Laser Center ( of the Hellenic Mediterranean University announce an invitation to express interest in ten (10) postgraduate student positions for the academic year 2019-20 under the LaPlA Postgraduate Program.

Applications of the interested parties can be sent until 09/10/2024


Object – Purpose
The MSc “Lasers, Plasma & Applications” promotes scientific knowledge and research, providing a high level of specialized knowledge to its students in order to meet the research and development needs of the country and the European and international academy. environment.
In particular, the aim of the MSc is to provide its students with a high level of postgraduate education in matters related to the applications and technology of lasers and plasma, which in recent years have been continuously developing rapidly scientific and technological development internationally. The training of young scientists in this extremely important international sector will enable the country to continue to actively participate with specialized scientific staff in international developments related to the respective innovative technologies and cutting-edge knowledge.

The objectives of the MSc “Lasers, Plasma & Applications” are:

  • the education and preparation of its students for the acquisition of the necessary knowledge, so that with their graduation they are ready to join the third cycle of studies, ie to prepare a doctoral dissertation at the Hellenic Mediterranean University or other Higher Education Institutions in the country or elsewhere. ,
  • the staffing with the scientific staff of specialized knowledge of the academic bodies of education and research (Higher Education Institutions, Research Centers) of the country in the important field of knowledge that deals with,
  • staffing with the scientific staff of specialized knowledge of the Institute of Physical Plasma & Lasers of the Hellenic Mediterranean University,
  • the ability of students and graduates to significantly expand their horizons, gaining new knowledge, enhancing their competitiveness in the labor market in European and international becoming, through the mobility that the MSc”Lasers, Plasma & Applications – Lasers, Plasma & Applications »Offers to lead universities, research centers, and companies abroad,
  • to strengthen the skills and knowledge of its graduates, so that they can create independently or in collaboration with other scientists new small and medium-sized companies of high technology and knowledge, who have research and development departments in their organizational chart, to design, implement and offer highly competitive technology and quality of knowledge products and services.



The MSc LaPlA is full, or partial to twice the full, study according to article 33 of Law 4485/2017 as in force.
The minimum length of time for awarding the MSc is three (3) terms of study, of which the latter is for the preparation of the dissertation.

Tuition Fees
The MSc “Plasma & Applications” is offered free of charge to its students without tuition and tuition fees.

Requirements for successful completion of the MSc
Full-time / part-time postgraduate students must successfully attend ten (10) compulsory courses in the first two / four (2/4) first semesters of study.
Respectively, the postgraduate diploma thesis is carried out in the third/fifth semester of studies for full/part-time students. The postgraduate thesis can take up to a year.
Each postgraduate student is required to successfully attend and be examined in courses corresponding to thirty (30) credits (ECTS units) per semester and to prepare and write a master’s thesis corresponding to thirty (30) credits. Each course corresponds to six (6) credits.
90 ECTS credits are required to obtain the Postgraduate Specialization Diploma.
The language of instruction is Greek unless foreign students also participate in the MSc, so the language of instruction is English.
The postgraduate thesis must be written in English by all domestic or foreign students.

Postgraduate Courses
The detailed structure of the MSc is as follows:

First Semester of full-time study (all courses required)

ID Course ECTS
1 Plasma Physics 6
2 Principles of Lasers 6
3 Nonlinear optics 6
4 Principles of computational modeling 6
5 Lasers Optics & imaging 6
Total 30


The second semester of full-time study (all courses required)

ID Course ECTS
1 Lasers matter interaction & experimental methods 6
2 Φασματοσκοπία Lasers – Lasers spectroscopy 6
3 Plasma diagnostics & waves in plasmas 6
4 Lasers & plasma simulations 6
5 Modern topics in Lasers & plasmas 6
Total 30


Third semester of full-time study

1 Master Thesis 30
Total 30


MSc Guides and Regulations
(approved according to the assembly decision: 141/Θ4/12-12-2023)
(approved according to the assembly decision: 141/Θ4/12-12-2023)
(approved according to the assembly decision: 141/Θ4/12-12-2023)
(as published in Government Gazette FEK 383/t.B/22.01.2024)
(approved according to the assembly decision: 141/Θ4/12-12-2023)
(approved according to the assembly decision: 141/Θ4/12-12-2023)
(approved according to the assembly decision: 141/Θ4/12-12-2023)
(approved according to the assembly decision: 141/Θ4/12-12-2023)


Mobility via Erasmus +
MSc students have the option of (optional) mobility in collaborating research and education institutions in Europe, either for the preparation of the dissertation or for the attendance of courses. Mobility is supported by the Erasmus program.


For more information you can contact:
Secretary: Mrs Niki Geitona, e-mail:  tel.: +30-28210-23058
Director: Prof. Michael Tatarakis, email:, tel: +30-28310-86302


Legal Framework for LaPlA PMS


Useful Documents – Standard Applications


Annual Reports Revenue – Expenses MSc