Chatzakis Ioannis
Deputy Director of Master program “Electronic Telecommunications & Automation Systems – ISTA”. Director of the Laboratory of Electronics, Laser & Plasma Technologies, Processes & Simulations. Knowledge Subject: “Electronics”. Electronics & Applications Sector.
Studies: Diploma in Electrical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens. MSc.and PhD, Dept. of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece.
Research Interests: High Voltage Circuits (Pulse Forming Lines and PFL support circuits), Power Electronics (DC/AC inverters, switching converters), Battery Management, Optoelectronics, and other Electronic Circuits.
Tel. 28210 23002, email jchatzakis@hmu.gr

Antonios Konstantaras
Professor in the field of Software Engineering. Former Head of the Electronic Engineering Department HMU (01/09/2018 – 31/08/2020). Director of Computer Technology, Informatics & Electronic Manufacturing Laboratory. Faculty of the Informatics & Automation Sector. Former member of the HMU Research Committee (2018-2022).
Studies: Beng (Hons) Electronic Engineering University of Central Lancashire, U.K. (1996).
MSc Mobile Robotics University of Portsmouth, U.K. (2000). PhD University of Central Lancashire, U.K. (2004).
Research Interests: Parallel Processing, Heterogeneous Parallel Programming, Deep Learning, Electromagnetic Ontology, Seismic Ontology, Programming and programmable devices in K6-K12 primary education.
Tel. 28210 23072, email akonstantaras@hmu.gr
- Software Engineering
- Heterogeneous Parallel Processing
- Deep Learning

Manolis Antonidakis
Professor in the field of “Microcomputers– Networks”. Electronics Sector.
Studies: Boston University, Computer Engineer (1987), Master (1988), PhD (1993).
Research Interests: Communication Protocols, Distributed Control of Energy Networks, Microcomputer and Sensor Applications, Design and Construction of Microcomputer Systems.
Tel. 28210 23035, email antonidakis@hmu.gr
- Design and construction of Microcomputer Systems
- Communication Protocols
- Microcomputer and Sensor Applications

Assistant Professor
Ioannis Barbounakis
Assistant Professor with subject: “Error Correction Techniques in Telecommunication Systems and Applications in Computer Networks”. Laboratory of Computer Technology, Informatics & Electronic Constructions. Telecommunications & Networks Sector.
Studies: Diploma in Electrical Engineering, Polytechnic School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (1991). Master’s Degree, Department of Telecommunications, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, Technical University of Crete (1993). PhD, Department of Electronic Engineering, University of Bradford, UK (2000).
Research Interests: Digital Modulation and Coding Techniques in Telecommunication Systems, Computing Grid Technologies, Application Development in Computing Grids, Large Scale Data Processing, Applications in the Internet of Things (Internet of Things), Data Transmission Networks, Architectures and Protocols, Network Security.
Tel. 28210 23077, email: i.barbounakis@hmu.gr
- Big Data Analytics
- Internet of Things
- Data Transmission Networks, Architectures and Protocols, Network Security

Assistant Professor
Nikolaos Bikakis
Assistant Professor in the field of: “Big Data, Analytics and Applications”.
Studies: Diploma of Electronic & Computer Engineer, Technical University of Crete. PhD Computer Science, National Technical University of Athens.
Research Interests: Human-Data Interaction, Visual Data Exploration, Data Structures & Indexing, Hard Computational Problems,
Spatial & Social Data, Personalization Systems, Web of Data.
Tel. 28210 23027 email: bikakis@hmu.gr
- Data Management / Structures & Indexing
- Human-Data Interaction
- Visual Data Exploration & Analytics
- Spatial & Social Data
- Hard Computational Problems

Assistant Professor
Ioannis Fitilis
Assistant Professor in “Optoelctronic Plasma Metrology of Pulsed Power Electronic Devices”. Sector of Electronics & Applications. “Laboratory of Electronics, Laser & Plasma Technologies, Machining & Simulations (LATRONICS). Research member of the Institute of Plasma Physics and Lasers of the University Center for Research and Innovation of the HMU.
Studies: Bachelor Degree in Physics, Physics Department, University of Patras (2002), MSc Diploma in “Physics with specialization in Photonics”, Physics Department, University of Ioannina (2004), PhD from Physics department of the University of Patras (2009), MSc Diploma in “Plasma Physics and Applications” (2018).
Research Interests: Optoelectronic measurements, plasma physics and technology, laser matter interaction, study and applications of plasma secondary sources emission.
- Optical Diagnostics
- Plasma Physics
- Photophysics

Associate Professor
Georgios Fouskitakis
Associate Professor with subject: “Processing Stochastic Signals in Automatic Control Systems”. IT & Automation Sector Manager. Design, Manufacturing & Automation Laboratory.
Studies: Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from the Polytechnic School of the University of Patras (1995). Doctoral Diploma of the Mechanical Engineering Department of the University of Patras (2002).
Research Interests: Stochastic Signal & Systems Processing, Stochastic Diagnosis & Fault Identification, Design & Development of Information & Computing Systems with Applications in Precision Agriculture.
tel. 28210 23030, email fouskit@hmu.gr
- Stochastic Signals & Systems
- Fault Detection & Isolation
- Precision & Intelligent Agriculture Systems

Nikolaos Fragiadakis
Lecturer with specialization in “Electronic Automatic Control Systems”. IT & Automation Sector. Design, Manufacturing & Automation Laboratory.
Studies: Degree in Physics, University of Ioannina (1981). Master’s Degree in Radio-Electronics, University of Athens (1983).
Research Interests: Sensors and Industrial Automation, Automatic Control Systems, Signals and Systems.
tel. 28210 23015, email nfrag@hmu.gr
- Sensors and Industrial Automation
- Automatic control system
- Signs and systems

Assistant Professor
George Kakavelakis
Assistant Professor in the field of “Printable Nanoelectronic Systems”, Electronics Sector.
Studies: PhD with IKY-Siemens scholarship in Materials Science, University of Crete, Greece (2018). Postgraduate Diploma of Specialization (Master of Science) in Materials Science, University of Crete, Greece (2015). Degree in Materials Science and Technology, University of Crete (2013). Postdoctoral Fellowships: Marie-Curie Fellow (MSCA-IF 2020), Laboratory of Photonics and Interfaces, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne, Switzerland (2021-2023). Research Fellow, Wolfson College Cambridge, United Kingdom (2020-2021). Postdoctoral Researcher, Cambridge Graphene Centre, University of Cambridge UK (2018-2021).
Reach interests: Solution processed optoelectronics, Printed Electronics, Nanomaterials, Metal Halide Perovskites, Layered materials, Graphene, Energy Harvesting, Solar Energy, Energy Storage, Sensing Elements, Detectors.
- Solution processed optoelectronics
- Printed Electronics
- Nanomaterials

Associate Professor
Dimitrios Kalderis
Associate Professor in the field of “Waste Processing and Utilization”. Laboratory of Environmental Applications and Technologies (LETA). IT & Automation Sector.
Studies: Department of Chemistry, University of Leeds, Great Britain, 1994-1997. PhD, University of Leeds, Great Britain, 1997-2001.
Research Interests: Biomass/agricultural by-products processing for the production of multifunctional materials, Hydrothermal treatment – remediation of industrial wastes, Soil remediation technologies.
Tel. 28210 23017, email kalderis@hmu.gr
- Solid waste management
- Utilization of agricultural residues for the production of innovative materials
- Soil decontamination technologies

Associate Professor
Eleftherios Kapetanakis
Associate Professor in digital electronics at Electronic Engineering Department, School of Engineering, HMU. He is a collaborating researcher with the Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, National Center for Scientific Research ‘Demokritos’, in the area of Materials and Devices for Information Storage and Emerging Electronics.
Education: PhD in Physics, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), School of Applied Mathematics and Physics.
MSc (by dissertation) in Physics, University of Essex, School of Engineering, De-partment of Physics, UK.
Certificate of studies in Physics, University of Crete, School of Sciences and Engi-neering, Department of Physics.
Research Interests: Microelectronics, silicon VLSI technology, nanotechnology, molecular electronics, and fabrication/ characterization of inorganic, organic and polymer electronic-optoelectronic devices for information processing, data storage and optoelectronic sensor applications.
Tel. 28210 23056, email ekapetan@hmu.gr
- Microelectronics & VLSI Design
- Nanosciences & Nanotechnology
- Molecular electronics

Associate Professor
Eleftheria Katsivela
Associate Professor in “Environmental Chemistry”. Laboratory of Environmental Technologies and Applications (LETA). Division of Electronic and Applications.
Studies: Degree in Biology, Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany. Ph.D. Degree in Natural Sciences (Dr. rer. nat.), Technical University of Braunschweig, Institute for Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Braunschweig, Germany.
Research Interests: Atmospheric pollution and air quality control, Chemical and microbiological analysis of airborne particulate matter, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Microbial Ecology and Bioremediation of recalcitrant pollutants.
Tel. 28210 23071, email katsivela@hmu.gr
- Environmental Microbiology and Chemistry
- Environmental Quality Control
- Biodegradation of pollutants

Associate Professor
Evangelos Kokkinos
Associate Professor in the field of: “Telecommunication Signal Detection in Non-Gaussian Noise”. Telecommunications & Electromagnetic Applications Laboratory. Telecommunications & Networks Sector.
Studies: Diploma in Electrical Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering, Polytechnic School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (1991). Postgraduate Diploma of Specialization (two years), Telecommunications Sector, Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Technical University of Crete (1994). Doctoral Diploma, Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Technical University of Crete (1997).
Research Interests: Mobile Communications 5G and beyond, Theory of signal reception and estimation. Digital Signal Processing, Telemetry applications and Applications of signal reception theory in seismology.
Tel. 28210 23068, email ekokkinos@hmu.gr
- Mobile Communications
- Digital Communications and Signal Processing
- Signal Detection and Estimation

Assistant Professor
Maria Kouli
Dr Maria Kouli is currently an Assistant Professor of Geophysics and Geohazards and a Principal Investigator at the Institute of Physics of the Earth’s Interior & Geohazards (IFEGG), of the Hellenic Mediterranean University Research and Innovation Center.
Education: Ph.D. in Geology, Department of Geology, University of Patras (2004), BS in Geology, Department of Geology, University of Patras (1996).
Research Interests: Coupling Remote Sensing and Geoinformatics with Geophysics with the aim of solving geo-environmental problems but also identifying mineral resources of economic interest. Long-term monitoring of geo-environmental phenomena using satellite images and the assessment of the effects of geo-disasters (landslides, earthquakes, fires, desertification). The application of geographic information systems in the geosciences, with an emphasis on geology and geophysics. Spatial Analysis – Modeling of Natural Disasters – Digital Cartography
Tel. 28210 23016, email mkouli@hmu.gr
- Televiewing and Processing of Satellite Images
- Geographic Information Systems
- Natural Disasters and Hazards

Associate Professor
Spyridoula Melina Kotti
Associate Professor in the field of: “Environmental Control and Protection Technology”. Laboratory of Environmental Applications and Technologies (LETA). Electronics & Applications Sector.
Studies: University of Ioannina, School of Positive Sciences, Department of Chemistry, Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry:, PhD, MSc and degree in Chemistry.
Research Interests: Environmental sample quality control technologies, Water and wastewater treatment technologies, Optical spectroscopy, Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS), Chromatographic techniques (HPLC, GC), Extraction, isolation and concentration techniques of organic compounds from environmental samples, Statistical methods of environmental treatment data.
Tel. 28210 23007, email kotti@hmu.gr
- Optical spectroscopy
- Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS)
- Chromatographic techniques (HPLC, GC)

George Liodakis
Tel. 28210 23047, email gsl@hmu.gr
- Electromagnetism Electromotive Systems Applications
- Wireless Communications
- Modeling and Techno-economic issues of Broadband & IoT systems

Ioannis Makris
(ScopusID: 7006322222, ORCID: 0000-0001-9871-9096)
Current Position: Full Professor on Measurements Technologies with emphasis to Seismoelectromagnetism, Department of Electronic Engineering, School of Engineering, Hellenic Mediterranean University (EE-HMU) Chania, Crete, Greece.
Former Position(s): Research Director at Institute of Physics of the Earth’s Interior and Geohazards, Hellenic Mediterranean University Research & Innovation Center (IPEIG/HMURC) Chania, Crete, Greece (2019-2024, Supervisor of the Seismological Network of Crete, HC-SNC), Senior Researcher at the Institute of Natural Resources and Natural Hazards, Technological Research Center of Crete, Greece (2003-2019, Head of the Institute 2006-2014); Associate Professor EE-HMU (2009-2016); Assistant Professor EE-HMU (2002-2008); PhD/Postdoc Researcher at the Solid Earth Physics Research University Institute (SEPI) and at the Dept. of Physics, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA), Athens, Greece (1992-1998).
Education: PhD in Applied Geo-Electromagnetism, Dept. of Physics, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA), (1997); BSc in Physics, Department of Physics, NKUA (1992).
Areas of Expertise: Physics of the Earth’s Interior and of the Ionosphere, Electromagnetic Methods in Geophysics and modeling geoelectric structure, (preseismic) Electric, Magnetic & Electromagnetic Phenomena and Earthquake Prediction Research, Design & Development of Measuring and Data Acquisition Systems, Sensors and Transducers, Measurements, Telemetry and Instrumentation, Microcontrollers and Computer Technologies for Measurements, Metrology and Accreditation.
Research Funding: Participation to 25+ research projects (ERDF, ESF, EU Commission, GSRT and other national resources) at various levels, with a total funding of approx. 4.5M€.
Publications: Author or co-author of more than 60 articles published in refereed journals and international conference proceedings, 7 monographs. Participation in international and national conferences or workshops with 70+ contributed presentations/short papers. 921+ citations, 15 h-index (Google Scholar).
- Referee at Acta Geophysica, Annals of Geophysics, Tectonophysics, Advances in Space Research, Computers & Geosciences, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, Measurement Science and Technology, Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, European Journal of Physics, Physica Scripta, Machine Learning: Science and Technology, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, International Journal of Geophysics.
- Guest Editor at International Journal of Geophysics (Hindawi).
- Member of IEEE’s Users Interface Working Group in (Group on Earth Observations (G.E.O.)
Tel. 28210 23001, email jpmakris@hmu.gr
- Measurements, Sensors, Instrumentation
- Electromagnetic Methods in Geophysics, Physics of the Earth’s Interior
- Seismoelectromagnetic Phenomena and Earthquake Prediction Research

Associate Professor
Manolis Maravelakis
Director of the Design, Manufacturing and Automations Laboratory, Informatics and Automations Sector,
Education: Diploma from the Electrical Engineering Department of the Aristotle University, Msc and Phd from the Technical University of Crete. Certified Drone Pilot (cat. A,B,C).
Research: CAD/CAM Systems, Reverse Engineering, 3D Modeling, 3D Printing, 3D Documentation of Cultural Heritage
Tel. 28210 23078, email marvel@hmu.gr
- CAD/CAM Systems & 3D Modeling
- Reverse Engineering
- 3D Documentation of Cultural Heritage

Assistant Professor
Christos D. Nikolopoulos
Assistant Professor, subject: “Low-Frequency Electronics for Telecommunications & Sensors”. Telecommunications & Electromagnetic Applications Laboratory (TelEMA Lab). Telecommunications & Networks Sector. Assessor/Evaluator Expert of the National Quality System (ESYD, 2017).
Studies: B.Sc. in Physics Sciences – National & Kapodistrian University of Athens (B.Sc. 2006, M.Sc. 2012), Ph.D. in National Technical University of Athens (Ph.D. 2014).
Research Interests: Smart Antennas Design (Wearables, Patch Antennas, etc), Inverse Electromagnetic Scattering and Propagation problems, Electromagnetic Compatibility & Electromagnetic Cleanliness in Space Applications.
Tel. 28210 23026, email cnikolo@hmu.gr
- Antennas & Propagation
- Electromagnetic Compatibility
- Space EMC & Magnetic Cleanliness

Nikolaos Petrakis
Assistant Professor in the field of “Design, Reliability and Programming of Digital Systems with applications in cryptography and electromagnetic scattering”, member of the Informatics and Automation Division, member of the Computer Technology, Informatics & Electronics Construction Laboratory.
Studies: PhD. in Computer Engineering, Technical University of Timisoara – Romania (1995). Electrical Engineering Diploma from the ‘Traian Vuia’ Polytechnic Institute of Timisoara (1990).
Research Interests: Computer Programming, Computer Organization and Design, Computer Arithmetic, Cryptography, VLSI Design and Test, Fault Tolerance, Design for Testability, Concurrent Checking and Completely Self-Testing Checkers.
Tel. 28210 23064, email nik.s.petrakis@hmu.gr
- Computer Arithmetic
- Fault Tolerance
- Cryptography

Associate Professor
Konstantinos Petridis
Associate Professor in the field of: “Laser Technology with Applications in Electronics”. Director of Electronics & Applications Sector. Erasmus Academic Ambassador.
Education: PhD in Physics, University of St-Andrews, St-Andrews, UK (2002). MSc (Master of Science) in Optoelectronics and Laser Devices, University of St-Andrews, St-Andrews, United Kingdom (1997). Degree in Physics, University of Crete (1996).
Research Interests: Development of optical techniques for the characterization of graphene nanostructures and devices, Production of nanoparticles using laser pulses, Imprinting of two-dimensional materials using laser pulses (LIFT), Photovoltaic elements based on polymeric materials and perovskites, Methods of education and professional rehabilitation in the field of Electronics.
Tel. 28210 23041, email: cpetridis@hmu.gr
- Nanostructures
- External Cavity Diode Lasers
- Continuous Wave Optical Parametric Oscillators

Associate Professor
Vassilios Saltas
Associate Professor specializing in “Geological Physics with Applications in the Environment”. Electronics & Applications Sector. Researcher at the Institute of Physics of the Earth’s Interior & Geodisasters University Research Center, HMU.
Studies: University of Ioannina, School of Positive Sciences, Department of Solid State Physics and Physics of Materials and Surfaces, Doctoral Diploma (Ph.D) in the physics of surfaces and interfaces (2000). University of Ioannina, Faculty of Science, degree in Physics (1993).
Research Interests: Materials with applications in environmental issues. Study of the conduction mechanisms in minerals and rocks, Physical mechanisms related to precursory seismic phenomena.
Tel. 28210 23061, email saltas@hmu.gr

Georgios Stavroulakis
Tel. 28210 23012, email gstav@hmu.gr
- Surface, groundwater and coastal water pollution
- Applied soil science
- Natural environment management

Michael Tatarakis
Professor in the field: “Optoelectronics and Lasers”. Electronics & Applications Sector. Director of the Institute of Plasma and Laser Physics, EL.ME.PA.
Studies: Ph.D. (Physics department, Imperial College, University of London, 1997). M.Sc. (Physics Department, University of Crete, 1993, 2-year course). B.Sc. (Physics Department, University of Crete, 1990).
Research Interests: Plasma Physics, Intense Laser Matter Interactions, Optoelectronics.
Tel. 28210 23036, email mictat@hmu.gr
- Plasma Physics
- Intense Laser Matter Interactions
- Optoelectronics

Ioannis Vardiampasis
Professor in the field of “Satellite & Microwave Communications”. Director of the Telecommunications Sector. Director of the Master program “Electronic Telecommunications & Automation Systems” . Director of the Telecommunications & Electromagnetic Applications Laboratory (TelEMA Lab).
Studies: PhD NTUA (1996). Electronic Engineer NTUA (1991).
Research interests: Scattering, Propagation and Radiation of Electromagnetic Waves. Semi-Analytic and Computational Methods for Solving Electromagnetic and Non-Electromagnetic Problems. Applications of Artificial Intelligence (Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, Genetic Algorithms, etc.). Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields. Antennas, Elemental Antennas and Smart Antennas. Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology. Cylindrical Geometries. Waveguides and Optical Fibers. Measurements of Non-Ionizing Radiations. Wired and Wireless Connections. Microwave, Wireless, Mobile and Satellite Communications. Composite Isotropic and Anisotropic Materials. Electromagnetic Compatibility. Defense Technologies. Internet of Things.
Tel. 28210 23029 & 23059, email ivardia@hmu.gr
- Antennas & Wireless Communications
- Microwave Devices & Cylindrical Geometries
- Electromagnetic Applications

Emeritus Professor
Ioannis Kaliakatsos
Emeritus Professor with subject: “Electronics specialization with specialization in automatic control systems”. pr. Director of the Graduate Program “Electronic Telecommunications & Automation Systems” TEI of Crete. pr. Academic Manager Erasmus TEI of Crete. pr. Director of Circuits and Automation Technology Laboratory TEI of Crete.
Studies: Degree in Physics, University of Athens (1974). Master’s Degree in Electronic Automation, University of Athens (1981). PhD in Solid State Electronics, University of Athens (1986).
Research Interests: Education Policy, Transparent & Organic Electronics Technology and Renewable Energy.
- Education Policy
- Technology of Transparent & Organic Electronics
- Renewable energy sources