At Friday 16 Feb 2024, 17.00 GMT+2, Dr. Nikolaos Tsakoumis (SINTEF Industry, Norway), in the frame of the kick-off meeting of the MagneCat project, has been invited to give a lecture on “Heterogeneous Catalysis and Reaction Kinetics” to the academic community of the Department of Electronic Engineering
The MagneCat project is funded by the HFRI (Hellenic Foundation for Research & Innovation), having as main objective the measurement of magnetic fields generated inside working catalytic reactors. The Department of Electronic Engineering of HMU is hosting the action, while the School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering of Technical University of Crete (TUC) is offering the reactor infrastructure.
MagneCat is a 2-year project with a budget of 200 K€ for support of young academics. Its objective is to combine catalysis science and technology together with the technology of small magnetic field measurements for space applications, in order to probe the initial and final magnetic phases inside working catalytic reactors.
The invited talk will take place in the Department’s Conference Room.
16/02/2024: Invited Talk “Heterogeneous Catalysis and Reaction Kinetics” of Dr. Nikolaos Tsakoumis (SINTEF Industry, Norway)