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Τμήμα Ηλεκτρονικών Μηχανικών

Ελληνικό Μεσογειακό Πανεπιστήμιο

Sci-Cafe Ομιλία Καθηγητής Μιχάλης Ταταράκης, Παρασκευή 10 Δεκέμβρη στις 11.00 πμ

Το Γραφείο Διεθνών Σχέσεων του ΕΛΜΕΠΑ είναι στην ευχάριστη θέση να έχει κοντά του αυτή την Παρασκευή (10/12/2021 στις 11.00 πμ) στο Sci-Cafe τον Καθηγητή του Τμήματος Ηλεκτρονικών Μηχανικών Μιχάλη Ταταράκη.

Πληροφορίες για την ομιλία του Καθ. Μ. Ταταράκη ακολουθούν:

Ημερομηνία και ώρα (τοπική): 10/12/2021 @ 10.15 CET (11.15 EET)

Τίτλος Ομιλίας: Inertial Fusion Energy

Περίληψη ομιλίας:

Inertial Fusion Energy is a topic of scientific curiosity for understanding the involved science as well as for exploring the possibility for future energy production. An update of the current status of IFE will be presented. In addition, the research which takes place at the Institute of Plasma Physics and Lasers (IPPL) will also be presented.

Ομιλητής: Καθ. Μ. Ταταράκης, ΕΛΜΕΠΑ


Michael Tatarakis is a Professor at the Department of Electronic Engineering of the Faculty of Engineering of the Hellenic Mediterranean University (HMU) with a specialization in plasma physics, high power laser-matter/plasma interactions, and applications as well as in high current magnetically confined pulsed power plasma studies. He is the Director of the Institute of Plasma Physics & Lasers (IPPL,) www.ippl.hmu.gr , a statutory research institute of the Hellenic Mediterranean University research centre. IPPL is one of the access points of the National Research Infrastructure “ELI – LASERLAB Europe Synergy, HiPER & IPERION-CH.gr” (HELLAS-CH) and the leader of the “Fundamental Science Programme” of the ESFRI research infrastructure HiPER. Michael Tatarakis received his Ph.D. in 1997 from the Physics Department of Imperial College London and since then he has occupied several research positions at Imperial College London, at the Technical University of Crete at the TEI of Crete, and at the HMU. He also holds an honorary visiting professorship at the Department of Physics of Imperial College London. He is an active researcher publishing in peer review journals of high impact factors, and he is an Editor and invited referee for many peer-review journals (including journals of the American Physical Society, the American Institute of Physics, and the Institute of Physics). His h-index is 40 according to Scopus (http://www.scopus.com) or 44 according to Google Scholar (https://scholar.google.gr). He has more than 200 publications in peer review journals, conference proceedings, and contributions, among them more than 130 published in peer review journals, which have received more than 9800 citations (source: Scopus – excluding self-citations of author). His publications include one publication in Nature, one in Nature Physics, one in Nature Communications, and 22 publications in Physical Review Letters.


Η ομιλία θα γίνει στην Αγγλική.


Platform & Link:

In zoom, and the link follows:


Meeting ID: 403 952 0498

Passcode: 477954


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