Η διεθνής διάσταση της εκπαίδευσης των φοιτητών του Τμήματος Ηλεκτρονικών Μηχανικών
Διαλέξεις – Σεμινάρια – Θερινά Σχολεία
Πληθώρα διαλέξεων, σεμιναρίων, εργαστηρίων, θερινών σχολείων και πολλών άλλων εκπαιδευτικών δραστηριοτήτων, που πραγματοποιούνται σε όλη τη διάρκεια τόσο του χειμερινού όσο και του εαρινού εξαμήνου κάθε ακαδημαϊκού έτους αναδεικνύουν την διεθνή διάσταση της εκπαίδευσης που το Τμήμα Ηλεκτρονικών Μηχανικών παρέχει στους φοιτητές του:
- 17/02/2025: Διάλεξη “Teaching and Learning in a Digital Learning Environment” της Prof. Marina Marchisio Conte (University of Torino, Italy).
- 07/02/2025: Διάλεξη “Artificial Intelligence for Boosting the Design and Engineering of Innovative Advanced Materials” του Prof. Stephan Roche (Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology – ICN2, Spain).
- 17/01/2025: Διάλεξη “Opportunities and Challenges of Doctoral Studies: The Case Study of the VGTU Doctoral School” της Asc. Prof. Skirmante Mozuriunaite (Vilnius Gediminas Technical University – VGTU, Lithuania).
- 17/01/2025: Διάλεξη “Education for Sustainable Development in the Framework of SciCar: Guiding Science Educators towards Becoming Agents of Change” της Prof. Rachel Mamlok-Naaman (Weizmann Institute of Science – WIS, Israel).
- 15/01/2025: Διάλεξη “How to Publish your Research” της Prof. Ron Blonder (Weizmann Institute of Science – WIS, Israel).
- 15/01/2025: Διάλεξη “Boost Student Activity with Brisk Teaching” της Dr. Elena Mizrahi (Virtual Exchange Training Center, Israel).
- 14/01/2025: Workshop “Harvest your soft skills through EduScrum (Session IV)” των Mrs. Christina Fritsch και Mr. Willy Wijnards (EduScrum Team).
- 09/01/2025: Διάλεξη “Critical virtual exchange for peace education” των Dr. Mirjam Hauck (Open University, United Kingdom) και Mr. Fabian Krengel (University of Regensburg, Germany).
- 09/01/2025: Διάλεξη “The UMCS Doctoral School: Actions and Challenges” της Prof. Agata W. Zietek (Maria Curie-Skłodowska University – UMCS, Poland).
- 07/01/2025: Διάλεξη “Best AI Presentation Tools” της Dr. Elena Mizrahi (Western Galilee College, Israel).
- 18/12/2024: Workshop “How to write a scientific article (Part II)” των Dr. Tzipora Rakedzon (Technion, Israel) και Dr. Tamara Sladoljev-Agejev (University of Zagreb, Croatia).
- 17/12/2024: Workshop “Harvest your soft skills through EduScrum” των Mrs. Christina Fritsch και Mr. Willy Wijnards (EduScrum Team).
- 13/12/2024: Διάλεξη “From floods to droughts and vice versa” του Asc. Prof. Ioannis Markonis (Czech University of Life Sciences Prague – CZU, Czech Republic).
- 11/12/2024: Workshop “How to write a scientific article (Part I)” των Dr. Tzipora Rakedzon (Technion, Israel) και Dr. Tamara Sladoljev-Agejev (University of Zagreb, Croatia).
- 03/10/2024: Διάλεξη “Bridging cultural differences: How Arabs and Westerners communicate” τoυ Prof. Zaid Bouziane (Al Akhawayn University – AUI, Morocco).
- 10/06/2024: Διάλεξη “The Future of Higher Education in the Age of AI” τoυ Dr. Jason Gulya (Berkeley College, USA).
- 07/06/2024: Διάλεξη “Legal and Ethical Dilemmas of Autonomous Driving” τoυ Dr. Kristjan Zahrastnik (University of Maribor – UoM, Slovenia).
- 17-31/05/2024: Διαλέξεις-Παρουσιάσεις-Σεμινάρια-Συζητήσεις στην 11η Διεθνή Εβδομάδα του Τμήματος Ηλεκτρονικών Μηχανικών από 230 καθηγητές (από 78 Πανεπιστήμια σε 37 χώρες).
- 16/05/2024: Διάλεξη “The Case of Ukraine” της Prof. Yuliana Lavrysh (Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute – KPI, Ukraine).
- 16/05/2024: Διάλεξη “Cache Memory” τoυ Prof. Dalius Mažeika (Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania).
- 15/05/2024: Συζήτηση “Round Table Discussion about Europe and European Education” (Athena European University, Europe).
- 15/05/2024: Διάλεξη “Main Memory” τoy Prof. Dalius Mažeika (Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania).
- 14/05/2024: Διάλεξη “Performance Analysis (Hardware, Software) and High-Performance Computing” τoy Prof. Dalius Mažeika (Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania).
- 14/05/2024: Διάλεξη “Virtualization Technologies used for CPU, RAM, Storage, and Networking” τoy Prof. Dalius Mažeika (Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania).
- 08/05/2024: Διάλεξη “Effective Learning and Why You Should Stop Preparing Summaries for the Exam” του Prof. Elad Segev (Holon Institute of Technology – HIT, Israel).
- 03/05/2024: Διάλεξη “Hierarchies Rivalry Theories – Beginnings of a Theory in Social Sciences” του Prof. Piotr Szreniawski (Maria Curie-Skłodowska University – UMCS, Poland).
- 02/05/2024: Διάλεξη “The Mediterranean as a Platform for Intercultural Connections – Past and Present” του Dr. Nadav Kashtan (Western Galilee College, Israel).
- 24/04/2024: Διάλεξη “Healthy Boundaries and Assertive Communication” της Ms. Susan Gagliano (Europass Teacher Academy, Italy).
- 19/04/2024: Διάλεξη “Game Theory in Practice: How to Cooperate More Effectively” της Lecturer και Vice Dean Anna Tatarczak (Maria Curie-Skłodowska University – UMCS, Poland).
- 12/04/2024: Διάλεξη “Optical Vortices in Liquids of Light” του Prof. Humberto Michinel (University of Vigo, Spain).
- 10/04/2024: Σεμινάριο “Design Thinking” της Dr. Eveline Verhoort (Fontys University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands).
- 12/03/2024: Διάλεξη “Public Speaking Skills – Effectively Starting and Ending Presentations” της Senior Lecturer Dr. Mia Cirkveni (University of Osijek, Croatia).
- 05/03/2024: Διάλεξη “AI Use and Ethics” του Dr. Lavi Sigman (Gordon College of Education, Israel).
- 05/03 – 06/06/2024: Blended Intensive Program in Soft & Digital Skills Development.
- 23/02/2024: Διάλεξη “Applications of Photonics in Biophotonics, Agriculture, and Cultural Heritage” της Prof. Daniela Comelli (Politecnino di Milano, Italy).
- 16/02/2024: Ομιλία “Heterogeneous Catalysis and Reaction Kinetics” του Dr. Nikolaos Tsakoumis (SINTEF Industry, Norway).
- 16/02/2024: Διάλεξη “Materials for Energy Storage” της Prof. Dimitra Vernardou (Hellenic Mediterranean University, Greece).
- 09/02/2024: Ομιλία “The Illusion of University Equality: An Approach to the Gender Gaps in Academia” της Mrs. Mar Fernandez Cendon (University of Vigo, Spain).
- 06/02/2024: Ομιλία “Transport Industry” του Mr. Darius Snieska (Alumni of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania).
- 02/02/2024: Διάλεξη “Federated Learning: Trade-off between Utility and Privacy” της Prof. Rebeca Pilar Redondo (University of Vigo, Spain).
- 12/12/2023: Ομιλία “Data Analytics and Digitalization” του Dr. Daniel Valtimer (Infineon Technologies, Austria).
- 08/12/2023: Διάλεξη “Truth or Dare: Attacking the AI“ του Dr. Nick Pitropakis (Edinburgh Napier University, United Kingdom).
- 17/11/2023: Διάλεξη “Lasers cleaning cultural heritage” του Dr. Antonio Pozo Santiago (University of Vigo, Spain).
- 14/11/2023: Διάλεξη “Studying in the Hellenic Mediterranean University and in the University of Bordeaux: Experiences, comparisons and prospects” του Dr. Donaldi Mancelli (Centre Lasers Intenses et Applications laboratory in Bordeaux, University of Bordeaux, France).
- 10/11/2023: Διάλεξη “Exotic 2D lateral heterostructures & optoelectronic devices” του Dr. Prasana Kumar Sahoo (Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India).
- 30/10/2023: Ομιλία “Telecommunication engineering” του αποφοίτου μας Mr. Konstantinos Douvas (“Digea” Network Operator, Greece).
- 17/10/2023: Ομιλία “Software development for human-machine interface” της Dr. Sofia Vivian Alvarez (University of Vigo, Spain).
- 14/07/2023: Διάλεξη “Mankind’s first visit to a star: The Parker Solar Probe mission” του Dr. Thierry Dubok de Wit (University of Orleans, France).
- 10-17/07/2023: Θερινό σχολείο (Super Summer School) σε Advanced Data Technologies από το Athena European University.
- 07/07/2023: Διάλεξη “Structured materials for micro lasers at 2 microns” του Prof. Xavier Mateos Ferre (URV University, Tarragona, Spain).
- 03/07/2023: Διάλεξη “Science meets art: Time for dualism to be abandoned” της Prof. Joanna Paczkowska (Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland).
- 30/06/2023: Διάλεξη “Gamification as a motivating factor for sustainable (e)Health promotion” της Dr. Daniela Elisabeth Ströckl (Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, Austria).
- 23/06/2023: Διάλεξη “Biodiversity as a key driver for innovation-Recent advances in BioDivTecs” των Prof. Michael Jungmeier και Dr. Vanessa Berger (Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, Austria).
- 22/06/2023: Διάλεξη “The secondary – tertiary transition in mathematics education: Old and new perspectives” του Dr. Alon Pinto (Department of Science Teaching, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel).
- 09/06/2023: Διάλεξη “Citizen science in Lithuania: Does our science and innovation ecosystem anticipate the input of citizens?” της Dr. Monika Skarzauskaite (Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania).
- 06/06/2023: Διάλεξη “An introduction to operational amplifiers” του Dr. Patrik Debbaut (Odisee University of Applied Sciences, Belgium).
- 25/05/2023: Σεμινάριο “Δημιουργία βιογραφικού και προφίλ στο LinkedIn” από τη Google.
- 17/05/2023: Εργαστήριο “Software defined radio (SDR) workshop” του Βέλγου Καθηγητή P. Wyns.
- 27/04/2023: Διάλεξη “Approaches to formative assessment” του Dr. Jason Cooper (Department of Science Teaching, Weizman Institute of Science, Israel).
- 19/01/2023: Διάλεξη “The university mathematics lecture: To record, or not to record, that is the question” της Prof. Maria Meehan (School of Mathematics and Statistics, University College Dublin, Ireland).